Syntactic Analysis in Language Technology (5LN455)
- 140514: Kursrapport för kursomgången 2013 finns nu tillgänlig.
- 140115: Kursutvärdering finns nu tillgänglig. Lösenord är det vanliga, och kommer även att skickas ut via mail. Kontakta Sara vid frågor.
- 131204: Instructions for the final seminar are now available
- 131129: A mid course evaluation was performed during the lecture on Novemeber 27. A summary can be found here.
- 131113: Slides from the first lecture are available. The link is below in the schedule. Slides for lectures will be linked from the schedule, around the time that each lecture is given.
- 131105: Course start on Wednesday 13 november, 13.15 in Turing.
- 130930: First version of course homepage is up, with a preliminary schedule