SLTC 2014
Nov 13-14

Gold Sponsors

eSSENCE_logo_mail (9K)
eulogo (99K)


Bronze Sponsors


SLTC 2014 is the 5th edition of the Swedish language technology conference. SLTC is a unique and friendly event that gathers most of the researchers in Sweden and Scandinavia active in the field. SLTC also draws a number of researchers from the rest of the world. As in 2012, several workshops will be collocated with SLTC. The previous meeting attracted over 100 participants.

Levels of sponsorship

Gold: SEK 15 000 excl. VAT
  • The logo of your company displayed on the conference web site, as well as in the conference program
  • One table for exhibition and to hand out complimentary items of your choice: pens, bags etc
  • One (1) free registration to the conference
Silver: SEK 10,000 excl. VAT
  • The logo of your company displayed on the conference web site, as well as in the conference program
  • One table for exhibition and to hand out complimentary items of your choice: pens, bags etc
Bronze: SEK 5,000 excl. VAT
  • The logo of your company displayed on the conference web site, as well as in the conference program

Depending on your contribution, we will use different sizes to display your company's logo. For gold silver sponsors we encourage at least one registered delegate to handle your stand.


Should you be interested to be a sponsor, contact us with the amount you intend to contribute. Joakim Nivre and Jörg Tiedemann:


Register as a sponsor here.