Svensk diakronisk korpus

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About the Swedish Diachronic Corpus

The Swedish Diachronic Corpus is a project funded by Swe-Clarin ( The purpose of the project is to provide a corpus of texts covering the time period from Old Swedish to present day, with a wide variety of text types and freely available for download and search. The texts are provided in a plain text format and in a uniform CoNLL format, with placeholders for linguistic annotation. Search will be made possible via the Korp interface (not implemented yet).

The project members are Eva Pettersson (Uppsala University) and Lars Borin (University of Gothenburg). For questions or comments, or if you are aware of any corpus resource that could be included in the Swedish Diachronic Corpus, don't hesitate to contact us!

Eva Pettersson Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala
Lars Borin Department of Swedish, Multilingualism, Language Technology, University of Gothenburg

Page Manager: Eva Pettersson