HistoCrypt 2020

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HistoCrypt 2020     
June 15–17, Budapest, Hungary             


Program Committee
Beáta Megyesi (program chair), Uppsala University, Sweden
Carola Dahlke, Deutsches Museum, Germany
Bernhard Esslinger, University of Siegen, Germany
Benedek Láng, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
George Lasry, The CrypTool Team, Germany
Dermot Turing, Kellogg College, Oxford, UK

Local Organizing Committee
Benedek Láng
Anna Lehofer

Steering Committee
Arno Wacker, Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
Joachim von zur Gathen, Emeritus, Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology, Germany
Marek Grajek, Poland
Klaus Schmeh, Private researcher, Germany

Extended Programme Committee
Eugen Antal, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
Paolo Bonavoglia, Mathesis Venezia, Italy
Nicolas Courtois, University College London, UK
Camille Desenclos, Université de Haute-Alsace, France
Joachim von zur Gathen, Emeritus, Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology, Germany
Pascal Junod, Snap, Switzerland
Otokar Grošek, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
Bradley Hauer, University of Alberta, Canada
Julio Hernandez-Castro, School of Computing, University of Kent, UK
Kevin Knight, DiDi Labs, USA
Jozef Kollár, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
Grzegorz Kondrak, University of Alberta, Canada
Nils Kopal, University of Siegen, Germany
Karl de Leeuw, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sjouke Mauw, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Michal Musilek, University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Valerie Nachef, CY Cergy Paris Université, France
Diego Navarro, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
Jacques Patarin, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France
Klaus Schmeh, Cryptovision, Germany
Serge Vaudenay, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Arno Wacker, Bundeswehr University of Munich, Germany
Pavol Zajac, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia




Last update 2020-03-20