Syntactic Analysis in Language Technology (5LN455)


  • 150327: The course report for the course is now available in the student portal.
  • 150206: There will be an extra deadline for assignment submissions on April 10. If you fail to hand in any assignments by then, you will have to wait for the next time the course is given (autumn 2015), to finish it.
  • 141215: The resubmit deadline for assignment 1 and 2 is January 7, 2015. (According to the general instructions below, the deadline should have been December 24, but because of the holidays it is moved forward to January 7)
  • 141201: A mid course evaluation was performed during the lecture on Novemeber 26. A summary can be found here.
  • 141003: First version of course homepage is up
  • 140514: Kursrapport för kursomgången 2013 finns nu tillgänlig.