The texts in the 'Lyrics' genre in the Swedish Diachronic Corpus are listed below: * A collection of handwritten song books, manually transcribed and provided by Folklivsarkivet (the Folklife Archives) in readable PDF format, as part of 'Skånes musiksamlingars visor och visböcker' (the Scania Music Collections). 1869--1979 * Wilhelm Peterson-Berger: Ran 1898 * Två nya och tidsenliga Visor 1887 * Carl Wilhelm Böttiger: Sång öfver Anna Maria Lenngren 1860 * Carl Fredric Dahlgren: Resan till Solen 1837 * Erik Gustaf Geijer: Försök till Psalmer 1812 * Dan Andersson: Kolvaktarens visor 1915 * Oscar Walfrid Hult En högst ynklig och förskräcklig Wisa 1887 * Fyllans förbannelse 1910 * Kvinnornas sång 1912 * Sex nya glada visor 1908 * Två nya, vackra visor 1905 * Josef Hillström: Sånger av Joe Hill 1924 * Mauritz Sterner: Genom världen, hör, det klingar... 1915 If you want to know more about the Swedish Diachronic Corpus, the following SweClarin reports may be of interest: SCR-03-2019 Towards a Swedish diachronic corpus: Intended content, structure and format of version 1.0 Eva Pettersson & Lars Borin url: SCR-02-2019 Swedish diachronic texts: Resources and user needs to consider in a Swedish diachronic corpus Eva Pettersson & Lars Borin url: SCR-01-2019 Characteristics of diachronic and historical corpora: Features to consider in a Swedish diachronic corpus Eva Pettersson & Lars Borin url: