------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols from the Academic Consistory of Uppsala University ------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols from the Academic Consistory of Uppsala University, written in the time period 1624-1699. HistCorp inclusion date ------------------------ April 18, 2017 Website -------- http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1077219&dswid=4289 Contact information -------------------- Uppsala University Library (http://www.ub.uu.se/). Licence -------- Open Access. The HistCorp files ------------------- The protocols from the Academic Consistory of Uppsala University on the HistCorp page are provided in a plain text format ('txt'), and in a tokenised format ('tok'). The plain text files were automatically converted from pdf to plain text format using the pdf splitter available at http://pdftotext.com/. The plain text files were also semi-automatically stripped from page images, modern time forewords and indices of names etc. Furthermore, metadata is given in a TEI-compatible format at the top of each file. When assigning metadata, the number of tokens has been calculated based on the tokenised version of the file. In the tokenised files, the texts are split into one token on each line. Tokenisation was performed using the UDPipe tokeniser (https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/udpipe) with the Swedish language model provided as a baseline model in the CoNLL17 Shared Task (swedish-ud-2.0-conll17-170315.udpipe). Size: 22 texts, with a total of 5,389,152 tokens. Genres: academic protocols.