---------------- Corpus Corporum ---------------- Corpus Corporum is a Latin text (meta-)repository and tool under way of development. This Corpus Córporum is being developed at the University of Zurich under the direction of Ph. Roelli, Institute for Greek and Latin Philology. The project uses exclusively free and open software and is non-commercial. The main goals of the project are: - To provide a platform into which standardised (TEI) xml-files of Latin texts can be loaded and downloaded - To make these texts searchable in complex manners (including proximity search and lemmatised search) - To be able to use the platform to publish Latin texts online (cf. the Richard Rufus Project's corpus) - Texts may be downloaded as TEI xml or txt-files for non-commercial use (in snippets also as pdf) and can thus be reused by other researchers Cited from http://www.mlat.uzh.ch/MLS/ February 2, 2021 HistCorp inclusion date ------------------------ February 2, 2021 Website -------- http://www.mlat.uzh.ch/MLS/ Licence -------- Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) The HistCorp files ------------------- On the HistCorp page, the texts from Corpus Corporum are not downloadable at this stage, since the repository is still under development by the Zürich team. We plan to distribute the texts on the HistCorp platform, once they are completed and ready for download. The texts are however, already at this stage, included in the Latin language models, available from the Language Models tab on the HistCorp webpage. Size: 5,271 texts, with a total of ~80M tokens.