Language Technology: Research and Development Workshop

The final workshop will take place in 7-0042 and 7-0043 on January 15, 2020.

Each student will have 12 minutes for presentation, followed by 3 minutes for questions.
7-0042 7-0043
9.15SaraWelcome and introduction
Authorship and questions: Sara
9.30ShifeiBilingual Tweets Authorship Attribution
9.45GiuseppeUniversal Dependencies Based Question Generation from Narrative Texts for Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Authorship: MatsMT/LM/Parsing: Sara
10.15LuiseAuthorship Obfuscation Revisited: An Evaluation of Recent Approaches JunPivot Translation for Under-Resourced Language pair
10.30RenfeiAuthor Gender Prediction Using Logistics Regression and Neural Network ArturDo Neural Language Models Capture Surface or Deep Syntax?
10.45AdamAuthorship Attribution for Non-Standard Language Using Character Ngrams Elsa A Multilingual Approach to Dependency Parsing Low Resource Sámi Languages
UD Treebanks: JoakimSentiment: Sara
11.15MarsidaA Universal Dependencies Treebank for Standard Albanian EvangeliaImpact of Age on Product Review Sentiment
11.30CamillaDetecting Errors in Universal Dependency Treebanks XiajingCross Lingual Aspect-Based Sentiment Classification Using Model Transfer
11.45RexQuantifying the informativeness of individual part of speech for parsing in the universal dependency tagset UgoA Comparative Study of Neural Network models for Sentiment Analysis of Code-Mixed Tweets
Text analysis and embeddings: Mats
13.15Anne FleurExploring the use of informal writings as input to classification algorithms identifying dementia
13.30DrewClassifying Mass Shooter Manifestos with Deep Transfer Learning and Domain Adaptation Methods
13.45XuemeiFake News Detection using LSTM
14.00HartgerAn exploration of distance to nearest neighbor as a metric for the quality of cross-lingual word embeddings
14.15RizalEvaluating Word Embedding for Indonesian code-mixed (intra-sentential code-switched) sentences in Sentiment Classification Task
Parsing and tagging: Joakim
14.45NataliaPOS-tagging via projection annotation in a truly low-resource scenario: the case of Karelian Proper
15.00TiantianCross-lingual Dependency Parsing with Treebank Translation Quality
15.15ShorouqParsing Low-Resource Levantine Arabic: Annotation Projection versus Small-Sized Annotated Data
15.30Ivan Bridging Linguistic Distance via Transfer Learning: Multi-lingual Dependency Parsing with Belarusian
15.45SaraWrapping up
16.00-Social event, department lunch room