import java.util.*; import myutil.*; /** * Class simulating a supermarket, with customers, items and checkout counters * * @author Mikael Kindborg, Sara Stymne, Johan Janzen * */ public class Supermarket{ private MyList checkoutCounters; private MyList customers; private MyList items; private MyList givenName; private MyList surName; /** * Starts the supermarket simulation * * @param args not used */ public static void main(String[] args){ // Create the supermarket Supermarket supermarket = new Supermarket(); // Present the items available in the supermarket supermarket.presentItems(); waitMS(1000); // Run the simulation for 100 steps for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { supermarket.simulateOneStep(); waitMS(300); } supermarket.showTerminalStatus(); } /** * Creates a supermarket * Adds items and possible customer names */ public Supermarket(){ // Create list with checkout counters checkoutCounters = new MyList(); for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++){ checkoutCounters.add(new Checkout(i)); } // Create list for the customers customers = new MyList(); // Create list with items items = new MyList(); items.add("mini-TV"); items.add("galaklänning"); items.add("kalkon"); items.add("literförpackning glass"); items.add("läsk"); items.add("fiskgratäng"); items.add("apelsin"); items.add("pulversoppa"); items.add("rostbiff"); items.add("påse potatis"); // Create list with possible customer given names givenName = new MyList(); givenName.add("Erik"); givenName.add("Anna"); givenName.add("Bo"); givenName.add("Sandra"); givenName.add("Pelle"); givenName.add("Ann-Marie"); givenName.add("August"); givenName.add("Ewa"); givenName.add("Stefan"); givenName.add("Malin"); givenName.add("Gunnar"); givenName.add("Gunnel"); // Create a list with possible customer surnames surName = new MyList(); surName.add("Eriksson"); surName.add("Ek"); surName.add("Bolin"); surName.add("Sirén"); surName.add("Granlund"); surName.add("Andersson"); surName.add("Fors"); surName.add("Strand"); surName.add("Jonsson"); surName.add("Krans"); surName.add("Smith"); surName.add("Hjulin"); } /** * Prints the items available in the supermarket */ public void presentItems() { System.out.println("Följande varor finns i Stormarknden:"); for(String item : items){ System.out.println(item); } } /** * Makes a pause in the simulation * * @param milliseconds the time to pause, in milli seconds */ public static void waitMS(int milliseconds) { try{ Thread.sleep(milliseconds); } catch (Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Performs one step of the simulation */ public void simulateOneStep(){ System.out.println(); theCustomersAreArriving(); customersAreShopping(); customersWalkToCheckout(); customersPaysAndLeaves(); } /** * Picks a random item * * @return the chosen item */ public String pickArandomItem(){ return items.getRandomElement(); } /** * Will with 70% probability simulate a new customer entering */ private void theCustomersAreArriving(){ if (Math.random() < 0.7){ String name = givenName.getRandomElement() + ' ' + surName.getRandomElement(); customers.add(new Customer(name)); System.out.println("En ny kund vid namn " + name + " kommer in."); } } /** * Lets all customers shop for items */ private void customersAreShopping(){ for(Customer customer : customers){; } } /** * The customers that are done shopping are moved to the * checkout counters. */ private void customersWalkToCheckout(){ // Notice the difference between this iteration structure and // customersAreShopping. Why is this one different? Iterator i = customers.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()){ Customer customer =; if (Customer.wantsToCheckout() && customer.hasItems()){ customerWalksToCheckout(customer); i.remove(); } } } /** * Moves a single customer to a checkout counter * * @param customer the customer to be moved */ private void customerWalksToCheckout(Customer customer) { // Choose a checkout counter at random and // place the customer in that queue Checkout checkout = checkoutCounters.getRandomElement(); checkout.addCustomer(customer); System.out.println(customer.getCustomerName() + " ställer sig i kö till kassa " + checkout.getCheckoutNumber()); } /** * Perform a simulation step for customers in the checkout counters */ private void customersPaysAndLeaves(){ for(Checkout checkout : checkoutCounters){ checkout.attendCustomer(); } } /** * Prints information of the status of the supermarket */ public void showTerminalStatus(){ System.out.println(); System.out.println("Vid simuleringens slut finns det " + customers.size() + " kunder kvar i stormarknaden."); System.out.println("Så här är situationen i kassorna:"); for (Checkout k : checkoutCounters){ k.printCustomerInfo(); } } }