Syntactic Analysis - literature review

For htis task you should choose 2 scientific peer-reviewed articles on syntatactic parsing. You can shoose articles from either journals or conferences and workshops. You may choose an article either from a conference or workshop specialized on parsing, or from a mainstream NLP journal, conference, or workshop. In all cases the main topic of the articles should be syntactic parsing, and they should be concerned at least to some extent with parsing algorithms. If you are uncertain if the articles you want to read are OK, you may check them with Sara. If so, do so in good time before the deadline.

Some conferences have a track for short papers, which are typically 4-5 pages long. You may pick one such short paper, but not two. Alternatively you may choose three short papers.


You should hand in a written report of 3 pages. The report should be no longer than 3 pages, and not much shorter. The report should contain a summary of each article, as well as an analysis and critical review. Hand in your report through studentportalen.


March 7, 2018.