Language Technology: Research and Development


You will put together a 3-page proposal (excluding references) describing the project you are going to work on for the rest of the course, using the Swedish Research Council's guidelines for research programs, Appendix A (ignore other parts of the application as well as optional sections of the research program. You can also ignore the "significance" section). Your proposal should be 3 pages (not more, and not much less than 3 full pages), but references do not count towards this page limit, and you can use additional pages for them. Use reasonable font and margin sizes! It is recommended that you use Latex for your proposal, but note that the default article class has very large margins, and is not optimal for this task. Do not forget to write your full name in your proposal.

The deadline for the proposal is October 13, 23:59, and it should be handed in through studentportalen. Late submissions will not be accepted. There is a reexamination deadline on November 3, but it is highly recommended to respect the original deadline if you plan to finish the course on time.

You will also give a short presentation of the proposal in a seminar. You have 8 minutes for your presentation, and you should prepare slides. Email the slides to your supervisor the day before the seminar! The presentation will take place in your small group, during the seminars on October 17-18.

Your proposal will be graded and can get pass (G) and pass with distinction (VG). The grades will mainly be based on your written proposal, but your oral presentation will be taken into account.

Old projects

As insiration for your project you can look at the project reports or proposals from previous years, available on the following pages:
  • 2016 (proposals)
  • 2014 (proposals, reports)
  • 2013 (proposals, reports)