Language Technology: Research and Development Workshop

The final workshop will take place in 7-0043 on January 12, from 10.00-16.15.

Each student will have 12 minutes for presentation, followed by 3 minutes for questions.
Time Presenter Title
10.00SaraWelcome and introduction
Historical texts chair: Eva Pettersson
10.15YuhanA Pipeline for Twitter Lexical Normalization by use of Phonetic Algorithms
10.30MaxRanking Relevant Verb Phrases Extracted from Historical Text using a Neural Network
10.45YiwenEvaluating two Modern POS Taggers on Historical Novels by Daniel Defoe
11.00OliverTranslating Middle Egyptian to Modern English with NMT
11.15YuchanCharacter-based SMT and NMT in Historical Texts Normalization
11.30SaminaSpelling Normalization: An Evaluation and Comparison of Different Approaches to Spelling Normalization for English Historical Text
11.45GongboAn Evaluation of Neural Machine Translation Models on Historical Spelling Normalization
12.00Lunch break
Morphology chair: Harald Hammarström
13.00JoanaLanguage Modeling For Compounds in German for Automatic Speech Recognition
13.15RunfenLetter Sequence Labeling for Compound Splitting in Machine Translation
13.30Xuefeng Compound Splitting with Conditional Random Fields with Word Clustering
13.45HaoUnsupervised morphological segmentation and clustering with Chi Squared test and Expectation Maximization Algorithm
14.00SvenTransformation Vectors in High-Dimensional Word Vector Spaces
14.15GabiK-means Clustering on CMC Data for Tagger Improvement
14.30Coffee break
Universal dependencies chair: Sara Stymne
14.45JennyA Comparative Error Analysis of Stanford's and Uppsala's submission to the CoNLL 2017 Shared Task
15.00ZulipiyeThe Influence of Morphological Features on Uyghur Universal Dependency Parsing
15.15Paola MTypological studies and large parallel corpora: Negation across languages
15.30YangChinese Grammatical Error Identification
15.45Paula PIdentifying Fake News through Syntax
16.00GretaEvaluation of Simple English Wikipedia Corpora for Automatic Text Simplification
16.15Social event, Linguistics and Philology lunch room, house 9