Syntactic Analysis in Language Technology (5LN455)

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  • 150327: The course report for the course is now available in the student portal.
  • 150206: There will be an extra deadline for assignment submissions on April 10. If you fail to hand in any assignments by then, you will have to wait for the next time the course is given (autumn 2015), to finish it.
  • 141215: The resubmit deadline for assignment 1 and 2 is January 7, 2015. (According to the general instructions below, the deadline should have been December 24, but because of the holidays it is moved forward to January 7)
  • ...

Alla nyheter!


The course gives an introduction to methods and algorithms used in automatic syntactic analysis and provides the skills that are required to apply and implement practical systems based on these methods. The course covers both phrase structure analysis and dependency analysis.


The course examination is split into four assignments and one seminar. The following grading system will be used both for the complete course and for all assignments: Fail (Underkänd, U), Pass (Godkänd, G), Pass with Distinction (Väl Godkänd, VG). The grade for the course will be G if you get at least G on all assignments and the seminars, VG if you also get the grade VG on at least two of the assignments, of which at least one should be a practical assignment (assignment 2 or 4).


Each assignment has a deadline, which will be announced well in advance. In case you fail to meet the deadline, you have the chance to re-submit the assignment for a second deadline, two weeks after the first one. In case you fail to meet even the second deadline, the corresponding assignment will be graded as Fail (U). (See Språkteknologiprogrammens Policy för examination [in Swedish]).



There are two literature seminars during the course. In order to get a passing grade on the seminars you need to prepare for them, and be active during the seminar. Detailed description.

The seminars might be held in half class groups, in which case the scheduled times might change slightly.

The two seminars are obligatory. If you miss a seminar you will have to do a complementary task. Contact Sara if this is the case.


Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin. Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition. Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2009. (Main course book.)

Sandra Kübler, Ryan McDonald, and Joakim Nivre. Dependency Parsing. Morgan and Claypool, 2009. (Electronic edition)

Two research articles on parsing to be discussed during the literature seminars:


All lectures and seminars take place in room Turing (9-2042).