Syntactic Analysis in Language Technology (5LN455)

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  • 140514: Kursrapport för kursomgången 2013 finns nu tillgänlig.
  • 140115: Kursutvärdering finns nu tillgänglig. Lösenord är det vanliga, och kommer även att skickas ut via mail. Kontakta Sara vid frågor.
  • 131204: Instructions for the final seminar are now available
  • 131129: A mid course evaluation was performed during the lecture on Novemeber 27. A summary can be found here.
  • ...

Alla nyheter!


The course gives an introduction to methods and algorithms used in automatic syntactic analysis and provides the skills that are required to apply and implement practical systems based on these methods. The course covers both phrase structure analysis and dependency analysis.


The course examination is split into four assignments and one seminar. The following grading system will be used both for the complete course and for all assignments: Fail (Underkänd, U), Pass (Godkänd, G), Pass with Distinction (Väl Godkänd, VG). The grade for course will be G if you get at least G on all assignments and the seminar, VG if you also get the grade VG on at least two of the assignments, and U otherwise.


Each assignment has a deadline, which will be announced well in advance. In case you fail to meet the deadline, you have the chance to re-submit the assignment for a second deadline, two weeks after the first one. In case you fail to meet even the second deadline, the corresponding assignment will be graded as Fail (U). (See Språkteknologiprogrammens Policy för examination [in Swedish]).


Final seminar

During the final seminar we will discuss issues related to the assignment and to the course in general. In order to get a passing grad on the seminar you need to prepare for it, and be active during the seminar. Detailed description

The final seminar is obligatory. If you miss it you will have to do a complementary task. Contact Sara if this is the case.


Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin. Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition. Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2009. (Main course book.)

Sandra Kübler, Ryan McDonald, and Joakim Nivre. Dependency Parsing. Morgan and Claypool, 2009. (Electronic edition)


All lectures take place in room Turing (9-2042).