1st International Conference on Languages and Dialects in Iran
Tuesday 28 October 17 pm. to Friday 31 October 12 noon, 2008.
University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran

Plenary speakers Executive committee Conference programme Poster presentation

1317 (132K) Organisers:
Department of English and Linguistics, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran
Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University, Sweden

Iran is an extremely rich field when it comes to linguistic research. During centuries languages and dialects of different families (Iranian, Semitic, Turkic etc.) have been spoken side by side and have influence and been influenced by each other. Written and spoken variants have developed. Persian as the official language and the language of education plays the important role of lingua franca, but there are also other languages of wider communication, which play this role in different regions of the country. A considerable amount of research has been carried out on the phonological and morphosyntactic structure of languages in Iran, but there is still much to be done in this field. As for the study of sociolinguistic issues, such as bilingualism, language maintenance, second and third language acquisition, it is a relatively new field of research in Iran.

The purpose of the conference is to stimulate linguistic research in Iran by creating a network of field linguists interested in the study of languages and dialects in Iran in their sociolinguistic milieu.

Plenary speakers:

- Professor Ali Ashraf Sadeghi, University of Tehran, Academy of Persian Literature and Language
- Professor Emeritus Bo Utas, Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University
- Professor Gernot Windfuhr, Dept of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
- Professor Emeritus Lars Johanson, Department of Oriental Studies, Turkology, University of Mainz, Germany

Call for papers:

Papers in Persian or English will be accepted on the following subjects:

  • Phonetics and phonology
  • Morphology and syntax
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Semantics
  • Historical linguistics
  • Typology
  • Contact linguistics
  • Bilingualism
  • Second language acquisition

Accepted papers in Persian should have a summary in English.

Abstract submission:

Preliminary version of the paper (3-4 pages, including abstract, some language data and important references) should be submitted before 15 June 2008. The paper should be sent in PDF-format to the following e-mail addresses:


Notification of abstract acceptance:
15 August 2008

Executive committee:

Dr. Ahmad Akbari, Dr. Ali Akbar Mirzaei, Dr. Adam Torkamanzehi, Dr. Abdullah Sarani, Dr. Pakzad Yousefian, Behrooz Barjasteh Delforooz.

Scientific committee:

Dr. Pakzad Yousefian, Dr. Mousa Mahmoudzahi, Dr. Abbas Ali Ahangar, Prof. Nader Jahangiri, Prof. Mohammad Dabir-Moghaddam, Prof. Yahya Modarresi, Prof. Carina Jahani, Prof. Éva Csató Johanson, Dr. Agnes Korn.

Travel and accommodation:

For participants whose papers are accepted, accommodation and meals will be provided at the University of Sistan and Baluchestan. Travel costs will only be covered for plenary speakers.

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Page updated 2008-10-14